This is supposed to be the next big thing to save our " dead malls ": Leisure and Retailtainment!
Everyone agrees with this and try to launch new concepts in a great confusion some times What are we talking about with immersive experience, active Leisure, Edutainment- Attainment - Edutainment?
Even the old fashion Europe is falling in love with the concept despite massive key factors of success not fully mastered at this stage ( technical requirements, business model, capacity to operate, lack of leisure franchises ... )
Among the profusion of initiatives more or less successful to " make the show " in the malls, we want to highlight 7 strategies to use with Leisure and Retailtainment to regenerate the shopping malls industry
1 / Place Retail at the heart of the experiential project
When talking about Retaitainment ( Retail + Entertainment ), most people focus on entertainment through activations, events, sports, and Technologie
Fine but let us not forget the other component: Retail itself!
Landlords and mall management can support the attractiveness and footfall with iconic events but can not create the show inside the shops or replace their knowledge of the client
Shops are the first vectors of emotion and experience for customers. They have the legitimacy and ability to tell an amazing story through the brand and the venue
Iconic Brand - Iconic Shop - Iconic Experience remains daily Apple at each new opening like below in Istanbul
Spaces are poorly adapted for "a theatrical play"? It does not matter: pop-up stores (ephemeral corners in common areas) or Concept Stores ( vacant venues temporarily converted) can give space for a real show
2 / Transform Retail into the theater
While common areas have become the playground of major events, the stores must reinvent themselves not only with visual merchandising but as well by creating theaters where clients can pay their best roles
Sports stores have been pioneers by creating "universes in the universe"
At the backstage of Adidas flagships, you can practice Cross fitting or Yoga when Nike store is frequently totally redesigned and look like a space camp or a stadium
On a different note, the " Feel like Home" spirit is perfectly anchored in the Lifestyle spirit of trendy shops like Boardriders Malibu, combining retail, coffee shop, barbershop and surf workshop
3 / Adopt a Holistic approach for Leisure
Retail is not the only anchor: Food, Sport, Art, Culture, Wellness are the new ambassadors of Lifestyle and mixed-use destinations
• The come back of the Food Halls ( experts will demonstrate to you that there is nothing compared with regular Food Courts ) is a good illustration
Time Out or Eataly perfectly anticipated the demand to find all the flavors and cultural universes under one roof
The mall's which have not yet decided to repolarize the offer or which are waiting for an expansion to launch the process try to step in the trend by organizing massive lesson cooking or Chef Masterclass
In the same way great couturiers ( Giorgio Armani - Ralph Lauren) open venues combining Food and Fashion
• Art is a positive vector of socialization
To remove Art from private Gallery to malls was a big challenge but it was worthy
It is a hand given to education and personal improvement but also an opportunity to stretch the brand territory and the segments targeted
By welcoming school and initiate children, landlords play a social role and prepare the Future